Anna’s ABDL Part 12


Beforehand she placed Baby Tasha in the playpen with a bottle and put The Brave Little Toaster in the VCR to occupy her.

The first stripped Daniel for his bath she found that he too was hairless.

Wow, Anna’s thought of everything.

She then started bathing him, washing his hair first next his body.

Once she was done she diapered him and put on a fussy yellow sleeper with a lion sewn on the pocket.

She led him back into the living room and placed him in the playpen and took Natasha into the bath.

As she led Baby Tasha she noticed a terrible smell emanating from her she also noticed a damp brown area on the right leg of her romper.

“Baby Tasha did you leak?”

Rebecca scolded.

Once she got her into the bathroom she carefully started to change the messy Baby Tasha.

Sure enough her diapers were filled to capacity and she had a very liquid mess oozing down her right leg.

“Oh, Oh, does baby feel all right?” Rebecca asked.

Natasha shook her head no, “Baby’s tummy hurts,” She replied.

“It’s okay, since you’re sick I’m not going to punish you.”

She then helped her into the tub and washed and dried her baby girl.

Once she had her in a sleeper she took her to the kitchen and gave her some medicine for her stomach.

Next she tucked her into bed.

Rebecca then went to the living room to find Daniel asleep in his playpen.

She roused him enough to guide him into his bedroom and into bed.

Her next task was doing the laundry after that she waited for Anna to come home.

Anna came home about midnight. “So how were the babies?”

“Well Daniel was excellent, Natasha on the other hand is not feeling good.”

“What do you mean?” Anna inquired.

“Well, she’s been complaining that her stomach hurt and she has a terrible case of diarrhea.”

As the two were taking they hear what sounded like someone being sick.

The two quickly headed to Natasha’s room.

There they found her to have thrown up all over her bedding and pajamas.

Anna took the bedding and Rebecca took Baby Tasha to again be cleaned up.

She had near liquid poop leaked down both the legs of her sleeper and saturating into her bedding.

Anna made the bed as Rebecca again gave Baby Tasha another bath.

This time Natasha was double diapered and placed in a nightgown.

Under her a large waterproof under pad was lain.

About an hour after she threw up she was given a bottle a pedilyte, and again put back to bed.

The next morning Rebecca was awakened at about six by a crying Baby Tasha.

Rebecca wandered into her nursery and found that she again had been sick. Rebecca helped her out of the crib,

and began to wipe her off before she led her into the bathroom for another bath.

After her rather early morning bath Rebecca noticed that she felt rather warm and took her temperature. 102.5º F,

Rebecca looked at Baby Tasha in the bathtub and said,

“Well you’re definitely sick, you have a fever and all, for today so Baby Dan-Dan doesn’t get sick as well you’ll be spending the day in your room.”

Natasha began to pout, but only for a moment, she just had too little energy to make a fuss.

Rebecca took Baby Tasha to her room and double diapered her again, gave her some Tylenol and fixed her bottle of pedilyte.

She was then returned to bed. Quickly she fell asleep.

Rebecca next looked in on Daniel.

Daniel was curled up in the middle of his crib his thumb in his mouth and a stuffed rabbit in his hands.

She quietly walked over to the crib and replaced Daniel thumb with his pacifier.

Daniel made some noise turned over and went back to sleep.

She walked into the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for Anna, Dan-Dan and herself. As she was finishing Anna met her.

“How are my babies his morning?” Anna asked as she seated herself at the table.

“Natasha has a fever of 102.5º F, and she still has the runs.” She handed Anna a plate and poured her some coffee.

“Daniel is still a sleep but he seem to be fine.” “I’m gonna keep Baby Tasha in her room today so she doesn’t get Daniel sick as well”

“That a good idea.” “I’ll be home early tonight so I can play with Daniel.”

“Really, about when?” Rebecca sat down and started to eat.

“Shortly after